Global climate change and other anthropogenic pressures have major impacts on the structure, biodiversity and functioning in aquatic ecosystems. Climate change pressures include transitional environmental change, increased variability and extreme events and long-term disturbance. It is still unclear how these pressures affect ecosystem responses, including their resilience and recovery. Large-scale mesocosm or enclosure experiments provide realistic settings by including higher system complexity in terms of species interactions at various trophic levels. Thus, mesocosm experiments are a powerful tool to obtain a mechanistic understanding of how various global change and other anthropogenic pressures affect ecosystem responses. Moreover, mesocosms offer the unique ability to test possible measures to mitigate or counteract anthropogenic pressures through environmental engineering and nature-based solutions. We welcome presentations on empirical studies where scientific questions about various aspects of aquatic ecosystem functioning have been tested using mesocosms or similar ecosystem level experimentations. We particularly invite scientists that study effects of increasing variability and extreme events on resilience and recovery of biodiversity and ecosystem structure and functioning or regime shifts that change ecosystem structure and functions in response to global climate and environmental change. We strongly encourage early career scientists who have participated in the AQUACOSM or AQUACOSM-plus ( Transnational Access (TA) programs to present their results from the mesocosm experiments. This session also aims to serve as a meeting point for all persons interested in ecosystems scale experimentation on a global scale (see
Lead Organizer: Stella Berger, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) (
Jens Nejstgaard, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) (
Tatiana M Tsagaraki, University of Bergen, Department of Biological Sciences (
Meryem Beklioğlu, Middle East Technical University (
Behzad Mostajir, Marine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation (MARBEC), University of Montpellier-CNRS-Ifremer-IRD (
06:30 PM
Changes in flow velocity impact stream periphyton metabolic activity: a mesocosms approach (5860)
Primary Presenter: Carolina Jativa, Center for Advances Studies of Blanes (CEAB - CSIC) (
Global change is altering the hydrological regime of streams worldwide, which can affect the structure and function of these ecosystems with dramatic consequences for the natural environment and human well-being. We used mesocosms to explore how changes in water flow velocity alter the biomass (as ash-free dry mass [AFDM] and chlorophyll-A [Chla]) and metabolic activity (as gross primary production [GPP] and ecosystem respiration [ER]) of periphytic biofilms. We grew periphyton on tiles in 8 indoor experimental channels under constant nutrient concentration and light availability. Initial flow velocity (0.1 m/s) was either increased to 0.25 m/s (high flows) or decreased to 0.05 m/s (low flows) for 26 days. AFDM increased by 1.7 times under low flows compared to initial conditions, while there were no significant changes in Chla. Moreover, low flows induced decreases in ER, and especially GPP. We attributed this decrease in photoautotrophic activity to the shading effect caused by the accumulation of fine benthic organic matter on the top of the periphyton. In contrast, at high flows, AFDM did not change, while GPP substantially increased, likely because higher flows induced higher nutrient uptake rates. Our results show that changes in flow velocity can strongly influence periphyton structure and function, which can have further consequences for stream productivity and gas emissions. The implications of our results will be discussed in light of the marked hydrological seasonality of Mediterranean streams.
06:30 PM
Primary Presenter: Una Hadžiomerović, University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) (
Microorganisms play a key role for the functioning of healthy river ecosystems because they recycle nutrients and carbon from dead biomass (necromass), but little is known about how these fundamental processes are affected by multiple stressors such as increased temperature and salinity. In this study, we investigated the recycling of necromass by microorganisms in the river Boye before, during, and after a period of increased temperature and salinity using an outdoor flow-through system (ExStream). Rates of necromass recycling were measured as an increase in 13CO2- concentration over time resulting from the microbial degradation of 13C -labelled necromass, which was offered either in the form of intact (but dead) or lysed E. coli cells. Preliminary results indicate that necromass recycling was highest in the first days of incubation, suggesting that it is an easily biodegradable carbon source. Interestingly, increased temperature strongly increased the rate of whole cell-necromass recycling compared to the unstressed control, while it slightly decreased the rate of lysed cell recycling. Increased salinity did not seem to affect necromass recycling alone or in combination with increased temperature. After stressor removal, necromass recycling rates were not distinguishable from the unstressed control. Overall, microbial necromass recycling is strongly affected by temperature but resistant to salinity stress, and the effect of temperature stress depends on necromass type. The fast recovery after stressor removal indicates high resilience of these microbial processes.
06:30 PM
Increased cyanobacterial blooms reduce pelagic food web quality and efficiency in the northern Baltic Sea (5651)
Primary Presenter: Tharindu Herath, Umeå University (
Cyanobacterial blooms have increased in magnitude and distribution in the Baltic Sea in recent decades. Cyanobacteria have poorer nutritional quality than other phytoplankton taxa (i.e., diatoms) and are expected to negatively affect pelagic food web efficiency (FWE) and quality, but these potential effects are yet to be verified. We conducted a 29 days mesocosm experiment to contrast the effects of cyanobacteria (Aphanizomenon sp.) and diatoms, combined with water mixing intensity (high vs low), on pelagic FWE and food web quality. The experiment consisted of four treatments with three replicates: diatoms with high mixing, diatoms with low mixing, cyanobacteria with high mixing and cyanobacteria with low mixing. Food webs are based on the natural plankton community in the northern Baltic Sea. We found lower zooplankton production and FWE (i.e., zooplankton production: (phytoplankton + bacterial production) ratio) in the cyanobacterial treatments at the end of the experiment. Higher mixing led to higher FWE. Food web quality measured in terms of the ratio between ω3 and ω6 fatty acids (ω3:ω6) in zooplankton was lower in the cyanobacterial treatments than in the diatom treatments. Sediment in the diatom treatments had higher EPA, ω3 polyunsaturated fatty acid and ω3:ω6 fatty acids ratio. The N2 fixing Aphanizomenon induced decreases in δ15N isotopic signals of zooplankton that indicate assimilation and trophic support of diazotrophic N in zooplankton in the cyanobacterial treatments. Overall, our results imply that climate-change induced increases in cyanobacterial blooms likely will lower pelagic FWE and food web quality in the northern Baltic Sea.
06:30 PM
Primary Presenter: Gabriela Agreda-Lopez, Uppsala University (
Climate change predictions include increasing precipitation and run-off events that expose phytoplankton communities to coloured dissolved organic matter (cDOM) and nutrient pulses of varying intensity and frequency. The consequence of different nutrient/cDOM pulse regimes on phytoplankton communities and the role of legacy effects related to the characteristics of previous exposure regimes, remain largely unresolved. To investigate this, we implemented add-on bottle experiments with water collected from a mesocosm experiment conducted in lake Erken (Sweden) with the following treatments: low intensity-daily pulses (daily), a single pulse with high intensity (extreme) and a control without additions. The same total amount of cDOM and nutrients was added to the daily and extreme treatments over a period of 3 weeks, which was then followed by a 2 week recovery period without further additions. At the end of both periods, water from all mesocosm treatments was filled into microcosms and either exposed to a second single nutrient pulse that corresponded to the extreme mesocosm treatment or left as controls. The microcosms were incubated for 8 days in the lab and changes in phytoplankton biomass and composition were analyzed. Preliminary results show that the phytoplankton responses differed between the mesocosm source treatments, most likely due to differences in initial phytoplankton composition and abundance. Hence, our results suggest that legacy effects may be important in the prediction of phytoplankton community response to extreme nutrient and cDOM pulses.
06:30 PM
Primary Presenter: Lucinda Kraufvelin, Åbo Akademi University (
Heatwaves can push species beyond their tolerance limits, leading to species loss and rewiring of feeding interactions with consequences for food web functioning and stability. Yet, challenges with quantifying trophic interactions currently hinder our ability to predict how food webs respond to future climate scenarios. To quantify trophic interactions and future thermal scenarios in controlled settings, we conducted mesocosm experiments combined with bioenergetic food web modelling. Temperate hard- and soft-bottom communities were sampled after four-month incubations in response to natural warming scenarios, representing a gradient of marine heatwave intensities. Body masses and allometric scaling laws were used to quantify energy fluxes in the mesocosm food webs. Our results show that higher temperatures led to food web simplification, with decreases in trophic levels and food web complexity (e.g., connectance). Shifts were observed at both the bottom and top of the food webs, due to die-offs in predatory species such as Asterias rubens and foundation species such as Fucus vesiculosus. Further, new species appeared at higher temperatures, adding trophic interactions to the mesocosm food web. These findings have important implications for our understanding of the impacts of warming and heatwave scenarios on marine ecosystems. Overall, bioenergetic modelling is a valuable tool for understanding the structure and dynamics of experimental mesocosm food webs and can provide important insights into the impacts of environmental changes on ecosystem functioning and stability.
06:30 PM
Heatwave-induced functional shifts in zooplankton communities result in weaker top-down control on phytoplankton (5634)
Primary Presenter: Thu Huong Huynh Ngoc, Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Centre for Ecological Research, National Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Climate Change, Centre for Ecological Research, Doctoral School of Biology, Institute of Biology, Eotvos Lorand University (
Freshwater ecosystems are increasingly affected by rising annual mean temperatures and extreme heatwaves. While heatwaves are expected to have more dramatic effects than mean temperature increases on local communities, comparative experimental studies are largely lacking. We conducted a mesocosm experiment to test the effect of different warming scenarios, constantly raised temperatures (+3°C), and recurring heatwaves (+6°C) on plankton communities. We specifically tested how shifts in zooplankton trait composition and functional groups are reflected in ecosystem functioning (top-down control on primary producers). We found that heatwaves had a stronger and more immediate effect on trait and functional group compositions. We found that heatwaves had a negative impact on Rotifer, and the decrease of micrograzers. This resulted in weaker top-down control, leading to elevated algal biomass. Altogether, our results highlight the importance of the indirect effects of heatwaves via inducing shifts in zooplankton functional groups and trait composition, which may foster periodic algal blooms.
06:30 PM
Prior stress by marine heatwaves and micro-habitat fragmentation drive the recruitment of epifaunal assemblages in marine forests (7030)
Primary Presenter: Alejandro Bernal-Ibáñez, MARE - Madeira (
Macroalgae species of the genus Cystoseira s.l. (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) are habitat-forming species from temperate areas characterised by their high productivity and associated diversity. These key species are clearly declining worldwide due to multiple anthropogenic and biotic pressures, such as habitat loss or climate change-related effects. These impacts are leading to local/regional extinctions of marine forests and increasing their populations' fragmentation and isolation. In the actual context of global climate change, discrete extreme temperature events in the ocean, known as marine heatwaves (MHWs), are rising as threats to marine boundaries in many areas of the planet. We analysed 74 years of daily sea surface temperature data on the occurrence of MHWs in the Cantabrian Sea (N Iberian Peninsula), finding a clear increase in their frequency, duration and intensity in the last 20 years. Also, we performed a 10-d mesocosm experiment to assess how MHWs affect synthetic fragmented and non-fragmented patches of Ericaria selaginoides. After this, those synthetic patches were deployed in a tidal rock pool during 10-d to detect effects on the recruitment of epifaunal assemblages. Mesocosm experiment results showed how E. selaginoides biomass, productivity and oxygen consumption significantly decreased as MHW intensity increased. Field deployment revealed that abundance, composition and structure of the epifaunal assemblages were significantly affected by the interaction of prior stress by MHWs and patch fragmentation. Overall, our results showed how a canopy-forming macroalga is affected by extreme temperature events and, consequently, having effects on the recruitment of epifauna according to the level of fragmentation of the microhabitat.
06:30 PM
Primary Presenter: Troy Martin, Queen's University (
Increasing use of de-icing salt on roads and paved surfaces is contributing to rising salinity in freshwater, threatening aquatic ecosystems. In response, novel road de-icers advertised as “eco-friendly” have been developed. Despite rising use of road salt alternatives, research on their toxicities rarely extends beyond individual species, and community and ecosystem-level testing remains limited. We used outdoor mesocosms to test how zooplankton communities, important primary consumers in aquatic systems, responded to three de-icers: rock salt (NaCl), an organic alternative (beet /NaCl-brine), and an inorganic alternative (NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2). Each de-icer was tested along a gradient of 20 concentrations ranging from ~6 to ~1500 mg Cl- /L. We found that both alternatives were more toxic to zooplankton and decreased total abundance at lower concentrations than rock salt. However, the mechanisms of toxicity among de-icers may have differed; a decline in oxygen in the organic alternative correlated with the decline in zooplankton abundance. Within each treatment, cladocerans and copepods were more sensitive than rotifers, indicating differential sensitivities that would impact community composition, species interactions, and ecosystem function. Further, we saw an increase in chlorophyll a, suggesting an ecosystem trophic response likely driven by a loss of grazers. These results suggest that de-icer alternatives might not be as “eco-friendly” as advertised and we advise that additional testing is necessary, especially when considering effects such as trophic interactions.
06:30 PM
Primary Presenter: Salvador Román, University of Vigo (
The ability of estuarine species to cope with environmental stress play a key role in the maintenance of their stocks. Commercial clams inhabiting Galician shellfish beds (NW Spain), areas usually co-occupied by the seagrass Zostera noltei, are often exposed to salinity drops because intense rains are becoming increasingly frequent. Since juvenile clams are more sensitive than adults, our main goal was to evaluate the effects of low salinity events on their survival and physiological condition as well as the physiological responses of Z. noltei and their interactions. Mesocosms simulated tidal cycles and three different salinity ramps (5-20, 10-25 and 35-35). Several indicators of performance for clams and Z. noltei were measured after three and six days of exposure and were repeated after four days of recovery. Results differed among species as Ruditapes philippinarum had not any significant response to low salinity stress while R. decussatus and Venerupis corrugata evidenced a decrease in oxygen consumption and clearance rate. However, after four days at ambient conditions, R. decussatus recovered normal physiological values but most of V. corrugata specimens died. Most of Z. noltei indicators were constant but the sucrose content dropped at the low salinity treatment. We found light interactions between clams and Z. noltei suggesting that seagrass could buffer salinity fluctuations in the short-term. The vulnerability of juvenile stages of clams to salinity drops should be a major concern to future management plans in the context of climate change.
06:30 PM
Food production by a temperate zooplankton community under ocean alkalinity enhancement: A mesocosm study (5907)
Primary Presenter: Nicolas Smith Sanchez, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (
Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) stands as a promising, nature-based CO2 removal technology. Within the deployment catalogue, dissolved, CO2 non-equilibrated addition is considered realistic, but causes water chemistry perturbations. Among mineral alkalinity sources, carbonates and silicates are recurrently proposed, but can fertilize. As such, research is needed on the effects these can have on ecosystem integrity and services. With food security as a pressing global challenge, the service of food production is of relevance. We studied responses of a temperate zooplankton community and their value as food for fish to different CO2 non-equilibrated OAE scenarios. To do so, large mesocosms were deployed in a Norwegian fjord between May and July 2022. Two OAE gradients, ranging from ambient to delta TA of 600 micromol per L, were established for each of the two minerals, silicates and carbonates. Across the TA range, gradients in pCO2, pH and omega aragonite emerged, with silicate-based OAE entailing an increase in this nutrient. Such changes will likely have direct and indirect effects, through shifts in phytoplankton composition and nutritional value, on zooplankton. To assess the integrity of the community, we analyzed zooplankton diversity and trophic length. Effects on their value as food for fish were addressed via zooplankton biomass, functional composition, CN stoichiometry, population size structure and per capita size. On this basis, we provide a first insight on OAE impacts on the continuity of the service of food production in a temperate community.
06:30 PM
Development of splash pool populations under copper and predation risk exposure in field conditions (6501)
Primary Presenter: Jan Heuschele, University of Oslo (
Climate change is affecting coastal environments. Increased global temperature, heat wave intensity, and related effects add to human-made and natural stressors like contaminants and predation stress. Marine invertebrates are often exposed to excess copper, which can have subtle and drastic effects on non-target organisms. Predation risk affects population dynamics and can also interfere with copper responses. In the lab, predation risk potentiates copper effects on delayed development in the splash pool copepod <em>Tigriopus brevicornis</em>. Here we tested these stressors in a realistic field setting by exposing outdoor mesocosms to predation risk, copper, a combination of both, and a control. Monthly, we counted copepods and other inhabitants. We also quantified the copepod population’s stage composition and measured their size, stable isotope composition, and astaxanthin concentration. Astaxanthin is an antioxidant that reduces the impact of copper but can increase visual predation risk. Despite extreme conditions, with daily temperature fluctuations up to 25°C, peaks of 50°C, and salinities over 120, copper and predation risk reduced the population size of the surviving copepods, especially under combined stress. We could not find any difference in their pigmentation or isotope signature. Chironomidae and Ephydridae, which naturally populated the pools, were unfazed by the treatments. While physical stressors pose an immediate threat to populations, the interaction of anthropogenic and natural stressors can increase populations’ vulnerability even further.
06:30 PM
Impact of tire abrasion proxies on microeukaryotic communities (6285)
Primary Presenter: Guido Sieber, University of Duisburg-Essen (
Aquatic environments serve as a sink for nearly all anthropogenic discharge. A significant part of the discharge is tire wear, which is increasingly being released into the environment. Main components of tires are plastic and zinc, which can be used as proxies for tire abrasion to study the effect on microbial life. We studied the effects of nanoplastic an zinc on a microeukaryotic community using high-throughput sequencing of the 18S V9 region over a 14-day exposure period. Apart from a generally unchanged diversity upon exposure to zinc and nanoplastics, a change in community structure due to zinc is evident. Apparently, nanoplastic particles do not affect the community, but zinc addition results in functional abundance shifts concerning the trophic mode. In contrast to lasting changes in taxon composition the functional community composition is initially strongly disbalanced after application of zinc, but returns to the original state.
06:30 PM
Mesocosm assessment of the invasion risk from non-native, ballast-borne protists (4762)
Primary Presenter: Abigail Latanich, Natural Resources Research Institute (
Ballast water transport has overwhelmingly contributed to the introduction of aquatic invasive species (AIS) in the Laurentian Great Lakes and waters around the globe. AIS in ballast water can be detrimental to receiving native ecosystems and difficult to detect and control. Understanding risk-release relationships and the early detection of AIS is imperative to protecting native communities. Early detection methods are lacking and an understanding of establishment risk across multiple species is needed. Using mesocosms, propagule pressure and establishment is investigated to understand risk-release relationships of several protist species. Protist densities of 0 - 100 cells/mL were inoculated into mesocosms filled with Duluth-Superior Harbor water and sampled weekly for 4 weeks. Experiments evaluated three surrogate “invaders”: Haematococcus pluvialis, Trachelomonas abrupta, and Chrysosphaerella sp. Logistic models predicted the minimum surrogate protist densities resulting in successful establishment, thereby providing information on ballast water risk-release relationships. Ongoing work will couple DNA with morphological counts to develop a potential tool for molecular detection of non-native species in ballast or environmental samples. This research will provide insight to the validity of mesocosm-based experiments to study risk-release relationships across protist species, the coupling of morphological and DNA data to model population establishment and trajectory, and species-specific molecular detection thresholds for protists.
06:30 PM
Primary Presenter: Mary English, Department of Microbiology (
Seagrasses are flowering marine plants that form key ecosystems in coastal areas worldwide, where they provide numerous ecosystem services. Experimentation with this keystone species presents logistical issues, as the plants require flowing seawater for cultivation, and the density of shoots plays a role in organism survival (the “bed effect”). We constructed an aboveground mesocosm setup containing over 5000L of seawater with variable flow types (flow-through and circulating) and temperature (heated, chilled, or ambient). Over 700 shoots of eelgrass (<em>Zostera marina</em>) were grown in small buckets within larger tanks. We used this setup to test how eelgrass and its microbiome responded to a combination of three stressors: exposure to antibiotics, a simulated marine heat wave, and inoculation with a pathogen. Eelgrass shoots from Yaquina Bay (OR, USA) were transplanted into sediment and subjected to zero, one, two, or all three stressors. Over two months, we collected samples in a time series to track the plant and its microbiome’s immediate and long-term response to stressors using metagenomics and transcriptomics. We also measured metamorphic and physiological responses of the plant, such as growth rate, lesion area, and community respiration. Preliminary results show that the mesocosm setup is suitable for sustained experiments of an entire eelgrass ecosystem, and allows for control of the ecosystem using a variety of manipulations.
06:30 PM
Primary Presenter: Knut Mehler, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (
The mescosom facility at the Wadden Sea station of the Alfred Wegener Institute on the island of Sylt provides a novel platform to study the effects of multiple stress scenarios at the intertidal community level. In 2022, a mesocosm experiment was conducted over a three-month period to study the effects of nearshore warming on the carbon cycle by quantifying growth and respiration rates of a mussel bank community. In the context of that larger study we compared abiotic factors as well as growth and condition of blue mussels (<em>Mytilus edulis</em>from) the mesocosms and from the Wadden Sea to test the functionality of the facility. Temperature treatments (ambient, +1.5°C and +3°C) accurately followed the calculations made by the software. Water temperature, salinity and pH in the mesocosms showed good agreement with field data. There were no significant differences in growth and condition between mussels from mesocosms and those in the field. Proper functioning of the mesocosm facility is a prerequisite for reliable data acquisition from further experiments. The similarity of abiotic and biotic factors between the mesocosms and the field demonstrating the great potential of the facility for experiments under near natural conditions. The density of filter-feeder, however, should be adjusted based on the species due to the lower plankton concentrations in the mesocosms compared to the concentration in the field.
06:30 PM
Primary Presenter: Stella Berger, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) (
Worldwide, freshwater ecosystems are under increasing anthropogenic pressure by global warming-induced changes in hydrological regimes and land-use. This has far-reaching consequences for connected river-lake systems as nutrients and organic matter received from the terrestrial surrounding upstream may unfold short and long-term effects throughout the entire aquatic network. However, studies of connected river-lake systems are scarce and often limited by low temporal and spatial resolution. By linking theoretical models with field studies and mesocosm experiments we investigated how local nutrient loading impacts phytoplankton growth and propagation along connected lake systems differing in flow regime, lake depth and residence time. We studied the effects of residence time on phytoplankton and nutrient dynamics in large-scale enclosures at the IGB-LakeLab. Our field study encompassed 19 lakes in NE-Germany, contrasting in connectivity and morphology. High temporal and spatial resolution was achieved by combining water constituent measurements and automated in-situ probes with ground-based, space- and airborne measurements. Our results suggest that - depending on flow regime, lake characteristics and water residence time - similar point sources lead to different maximum intensity, spatial range and regional-scale magnitude of eutrophication events in river-connected lakes. We highlight the potential of combining in-situ measurements with remote sensing to improve lake meta-ecosystem monitoring.
SS046P Mesocosm Based Experimental Studies to Address Challenges Emerging From Global Change on Stability of Aquatic Ecosystems
Time: 6:30 PM
Date: 6/6/2023
Room: Mezzanine