The 72-foot sailing yacht Eugen Seibold is a new research platform for contamination-free sampling of the water column and lowermost atmosphere for biological, chemical, and physical properties, and the exchange processes between the two realms. Operations started in 2019 in the Northeast Atlantic, and will focus on the tropical East Pacific from 2023 until 2025. Laboratories for air and seawater analyses are equipped with down-sized and automated state-of-the-art technology. Plankton nets and seawater samplers and probes are deployed over the custom-made A-frame at the stern of the boat. Near Real-Time Transfer (NRT) of underway data via satellite connection allows dynamic expedition planning to maximize gain of information. Data and samples are analyzed in collaboration with the international expert research community. Quality controlled data are published with the Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science PANGAEA. The entire suite of measurements is available for proxy calibration of planktic paleo-archives at high temporal and spatial resolution in relation to seawater and atmospheric parameters. The ultimate goal of the project is a better understanding of modern and past ocean and climate.
Primary Presenter: Ralf Schiebel, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (
Ralf Schiebel, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (
Hedy Aardema, 1Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Aaron Bieler, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Maria Calleja, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Yafang Cheng, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Antonis Dragoneas, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Lena Heins, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Isabella Hrabe de Angelis, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Klaus Peter Jochum, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Patrick Leibold, 3GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel ()
Alfredo Martínez-García, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Xihao Pan, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Christopher Pöhlker, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Subha Raj, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Hans Slagter, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Hubert Vonhof, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
David Walter, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ()
Bettina Weber, University of Graz ()
Probing the open ocean with the research sailing yacht Eugen Seibold for climate geochemistry
Scientific Sessions > SS006 High Resolution Data for a Better Understanding of Marine Ecosystem Functioning and Ocean-Atmosphere Exchange Processes
Time: 06:30 PM
Date: 7/6/2023
Room: Mezzanine